The National Network for Outdoor Learning (Scotland)

The National Network for Outdoor Learning brings together organisations (including representatives from Government, Councils, professional bodies), schools and the third sector, who support and deliver Outdoor Learning in Scotland.

The Network aims to ensure that there is a clear voice and strategic approach to supporting, promoting, and delivering quality Outdoor Learning experiences to all.

It hosts networking and information sharing events, with 2 per year currently planned.
  • A spring event will support teachers and practitioners who would like to develop new skills, enhance existing ones and create partnerships with different organisations.
  • An autumn event will support those who have a more strategic role in delivery, with keynotes relating to government policy and international Outdoor Learning developments.

The organisations involved in the National Network are listed here: (listed alphabetically)

Please note we are an informal, voluntary and inclusive group. Our volunteers run the network in their own time or time donated by their employer. Our GDPR policy is here.